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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Valerie Jarrett: Obama Is focused on Black progress

Valerie Jarrett: Obama Is focused on Black progress

  • 01-31-2011
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By Michael H. Cottman/New America Media

Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to President Barack Obama, sat inside the stately Secretary of War Suite in the White House and looked to the future for young African-Americans. “The emphasis on strengthening education and the public school system is an important part of the president’s vision for preparing our children for the future,” Jarrett told seven African-American journalists who gathered at the White House this week before Obama’s State of the Union address. “One of the challenges in the African-American community, with regards to college, is that many don’t have the resources to pay for it, so making improvements in Pell grants to have funds going to directly to students and improving our community colleges is important particularly for African-Americans,” Jarrett said. “And this is a core part of the president’s agenda. We’re working to design curriculums that lead to real jobs.” (more...)

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