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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Virginia Board of Education withdraws approval of two history textbooks

Virginia Board of Education withdraws approval of two history textbooks

  • 01-14-2011
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By Kevin Sieff/Washington Post

The Virginia Board of Education on Thursday withdrew its approval of two elementary school history textbooks that a panel of historians found to have dozens of errors. The Washington Post reported in October that "Our Virginia, Past and Present," a fourth-grade textbook, included a controversial assertion that thousands of African American soldiers fought for the South during the Civil War. In December, a state-appointed panel of historians found dozens of additional errors in "Our Virginia" and "Our America to 1865," which is used by students in the fifth and sixth grades in some Virginia districts. Both books are published by Five Ponds Press.  Despite the withdrawal of approval, a school system that uses the books does not have to stop doing so. (more…)

Also: Washington Post

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