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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Whistleblower: Illegal school fees continue despite settlement

Whistleblower: Illegal school fees continue despite settlement

  • 01-07-2011
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By Corey G. Johnson/California Watch

Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union settled a lawsuit accusing the Schwarzenegger administration of allowing school districts to charge students illegal fees for classes and extracurricular activities. The agreement with the state was touted as a victory for parents and the poor. Yet a key parent advocate and whistleblower against the fees says school districts are simply changing their tactics to continue collecting fees. In a letter sent last week to Assemblyman Ricardo Lara, attorney Sally Smith says she's learned that San Diego Unified's Mira Mesa High School blocked ceramics students from firing clay art pieces unless they had paid a "material donation" charge of $20. Mira Mesa and others, according to documents reviewed by California Watch, are requiring students and parents to sign accountability contracts stating they "understand about the $20 material donation." (more…)

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