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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 A young mom resists a cycle of failure

A young mom resists a cycle of failure

  • 07-26-2011
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By Claudio Sanchez/NPR

Of the million or so kids who drop out of school every year, nearly half are girls. They drop out for the same reasons boys do: they skip school, fall behind academically and they're bored. But the single biggest reason girls drop out is because they get pregnant. Not a day goes by that Lauren Ortega doesn't regret quitting high school. When she turned 15, she got pregnant with her son. Her pregnancy cut short so many things, Ortega says. A job, a car, her own apartment, college, and just being independent. Now, at 20 years old, she complains about gaining weight and feeling a little lost. She's studying to get her GED at a school for adults in San Bernardino, Calif. (more...

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