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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Advice to Education Dept. on newest Race to the Top

Advice to Education Dept. on newest Race to the Top

  • 07-21-2011
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Guest blog by Monty Neill/Washington Post

Will a torrent of tests now rain down on little kids? Under the latest Race to the Top program – the Early Childhood Challenge (ELC) – that scenario has become much more likely. This could mean pre-school children losing play time and experiential learning in order to start practicing for standardized tests. That is already happening in kindergarten as testing pressure flows down from grade 3. Young children do not need a developmentally inappropriate focus on narrowly conceived “academic” skills. Drilling little ones with phonics cards won’t make them better readers when they are 10 or 20 years old. But now RTTT proposes that winning states commit to testing all pre-schoolers to see if they are “ready” for kindergarten, as part of a “Comprehensive Assessment System.” (more...)


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