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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Among twists in budget woes, tensions over teaching the deaf

Among twists in budget woes, tensions over teaching the deaf

  • 07-27-2011
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By Monica Davey/New York Times

Politicians have seen plenty of demonstrators outside the Statehouse here. But the crowd that gathered last month was a bit different from the usual shouting protesters. Scores of deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their families assembled to complain in American Sign Language. Parents also have confronted new board members of the state’s school for the deaf in pointed, awkward exchanges. And more objections are expected when the board convenes next month for what had, until now, been ordinary meetings on routine school matters. At the root of the tension is a debate that stretches well beyond Indiana: Will sign language and the nation’s separate schools for the deaf be abandoned as more of the deaf turn to communicating, with help from fast-evolving technology, through amplified sounds and speech? (more...)


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