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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Brown signs trailer bill over objections

Brown signs trailer bill over objections

  • 07-01-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Gov. Jerry Brown last night signed an education trailer bill that critics say will limit school districts’ ability to accomplish what Brown said they should do: “take all reasonable steps to balance their budgets and maintain a positive cash flow.” Brown signed AB 114, a 100-page trailer bill, despite a call by the California School Boards Association Thursday  to repeal two sections of the bill that “intrude on the ability of school boards to manage their own resources.” Both would limit the ability of school boards to act now to ward off the possibility of midyear budget cuts that the Legislature acknowledged would be necessary if revenues are more than $2 billion short. One provision will prevent districts from using July and August to make additional layoffs; the other requires districts to maintain programs and staffing levels “commensurate with” last year’s levels. (more...)

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