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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Business moves to center of school policy debate

Business moves to center of school policy debate

  • 07-12-2011
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By Melissa Maynard/Stateline

For more than a decade before he entered politics, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper ran restaurants in downtown Denver. And he’s always looked for ways to apply lessons from the restaurants to the job of governing. One of them, he says, is that “some of the worst financial years were the years that we came up with new ideas to create whole new lines of business.” Hickenlooper hopes that can be done now with K-12 education. School districts in Colorado are reeling from state budget cuts of $400 per student, their biggest hit in recent memory. That’s part of the story. The other part is that the state is moving ahead with an aggressive agenda of educational policy change. (more...)


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