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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 California Dream Act backers look to the next step

California Dream Act backers look to the next step

  • 07-27-2011
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By Teresa Watanabe/Los Angeles Times

A day after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law giving thousands of illegal immigrant college students access to private scholarship funds, immigrant advocates said they are aiming for a far bigger prize: California public grants. "It was a good step forward, but the glass is still half-empty," said Ivan Ceja, 19, a Fullerton community college student who was illegally brought to the U.S. from Mexico as a baby. At a Los Angeles town hall gathering Monday, Brown signed into law AB 130, which will allow undocumented students who qualify for reduced in-state tuition to apply for $88 million in private scholarship funds administered by the University of California, Cal State University and the California Community Colleges. A more significant companion bill, AB 131, would grant access to public scholarships and grants but is bottled up in the Legislature. Both are part of the California Dream Act effort. (more...)


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