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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 California Dream Act sent to governor

California Dream Act sent to governor

  • 07-15-2011
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By Kathryn Baron/Thoughts on Public Education

And they’re off!  Bills flew through the senate and assembly chambers as lawmakers wrapped up as much business as possible before leaving for summer recess on Thursday afternoon.   When they return on August 15th, the docket will still be full, but the fate of some key education bills is coming into sharper focus.  Here’s where they stand. Civil and Equal Rights. AB 130 and AB 131: California Dream Act of 2011. Assemblyman Gil Cedillo. The state senate passed and sent to Gov. Brown the first of two Dream Act bills by Assemblyman Cedillo allowing some undocumented college students to apply for private scholarships at California’s state colleges and universities. None of this money comes from the state budget; it’s from private donors who establish scholarships administered through UC, Cal State and community colleges. (more...)


Also: Sacramento Bee

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