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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Calls grow for scrutiny of Murdoch’s education division

Calls grow for scrutiny of Murdoch’s education division

  • 07-20-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

Calls are growing in New York for government officials to review and reject multimillion-dollar no-bid contracts let by the state and New York City education departments to Rupert Murdoch’s beleaguered News Corp. The contracts either have gone or are set to go to Wireless Generation, an education technology company that became a subsidiary of News Corp. last November when Murdoch’s firm purchased 90 percent of it for about $360 million. The sale made news in part because Wireless Generation had financial ties to the New York City public school system, and just a few weeks earlier, the school system’s chancellor, Joel Klein, had resigned to become executive vice president at News Corps. Murdoch recently appointed Klein, once the country’s chief antitrust enforcer at the Justice Department, to serve as his adviser on the scandal over alleged phone hacking and other illegal newsgathering at the now-closed News of the World tabloid. (more...)

Also: Education Week

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