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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Christie and national expert duel over school reform

Christie and national expert duel over school reform

  • 07-26-2011
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By John Mooney/New Jersey Spotlight

One of the closing speakers at the Iowa Education Summit yesterday afternoon was far better known in New Jersey: education reform firebrand Gov. Chris Christie. The other is arguably the best-known academic expert on teacher quality in the country: Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University. Speaking to the same audience and on much the same topics, Christie and Darling-Hammond explored better teachers and public schools. And they couldn’t have given more different speeches. The Des Moines event was a well-timed conference on national education reform, hosted by Iowa’s Republican governor, Terry Branstad, at a time when the state is an obvious focal point of presidential ambitions in his party. The two-day conference was more just speeches, with workshops and small-group discussions on every facet of how to improve teaching and learning. (more...)


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