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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Community colleges gut summer school

Community colleges gut summer school

  • 07-22-2011
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By Kathryn Baron/Thoughts on Public Education

When you’ve been waiting as long as Bill Trisler has to finish school, all it takes is one summer without access to classes to magnify distance. At 50, he has spent the past three years at Mt. San Jacinto College’s Menifee Valley campus, where he plans to earn enough credits to transfer to Cal Poly Pomona and earn a business degree. Before enrolling in the southwestern Riverside County Community College, Trisler’s formal education ended after fifth grade. “I’m getting my second chance at education,” said Trisler, who is an honor student at the college, “and I’m very excited to be here.” What he’s not thrilled about is missing the opportunity to get one of his prerequisite classes out of the way during the summer, something that many college students like to do, especially with difficult classes, so they can focus on just the one course. This year, budget cuts have forced many California community colleges to cut back on their summer offerings. Mt. San Jacinto is one of a few that eliminated the regular summer program altogether. (more...)



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