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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Complex thinking is not tested and won't be taught

Complex thinking is not tested and won't be taught

  • 07-26-2011
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By Anthony Cody/Education Week

Marion Brady offers us some words to chew over this morning: [“]Kids can't be taught to think better using tests that can't measure how well they think. The logic should be obvious. What gets tested gets taught. Complex thinking skills -- skills essential to survival--can't be tested, so they don't get taught. That failure doesn't simply rise to the level of a problem. It's unethical.[”] This is the reason so many of us are so fed up that we will take our own money and time to go to Washington, DC, next week to protest. Test-based accountability has taken our schools and made it their central mission to increase test scores. No Child Left Behind did this through labeling of entire schools as failures, and the Obama administration has doubled down, demanding that states tie teacher pay and evaluations to test scores. Teachers are in an inescapable ethical bind. We know that the tests do not measure critical thinking. (more...)

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