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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 CSU trustees asked to increase tuition by 12 percent

CSU trustees asked to increase tuition by 12 percent

  • 07-01-2011
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Blog by Laurel Rosenhall/Sacramento Bee

California State University has not wasted any time responding to the budget Gov. Jerry Brown signed today, which cuts CSU funding by at least $650 million for the coming school year. Chancellor Charles Reed announced this afternoon that he will ask trustees to vote on a 12 percent tuition increase when they meet on July 12. The increase would be effective this fall, and comes on top of a 10 percent increase that trustees approved last year -- also to take effect this fall. If trustees approve the newest increase, annual undergraduate tuition at the 23 CSU campuses will be $5,178 this fall -- or $948 more than it was in fall 2010. (more...)


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