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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Despite interventions, no-show students drop out

Despite interventions, no-show students drop out

  • 07-27-2011
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By Claudio Sanchez/NPR

In Baltimore, the vast majority of kids who never finish school drop out because of extreme poverty, homelessness and a drug epidemic that has left some neighborhoods desolate and dangerous. In the toughest neighborhoods, kids miss lots of school days, and that puts them at risk of dropping out. Now, Baltimore's efforts are driven toward reaching these children early. When Danny Lamont Jones showed up at Tench Tilghman Middle School in East Baltimore, he was living only a few blocks away in a homeless shelter. "I think I was 12 when I first came here," Danny says. "Living in a shelter, like, with people I don't know — everything was, like, going downhill, and I didn't know what to do." Danny had missed the entire sixth grade and most of seventh. He barely knew how to read. (more...)



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