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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Duncan meets with 'Save Our Schools' Organizers, their dolls

Duncan meets with 'Save Our Schools' Organizers, their dolls

  • 07-29-2011
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Blog by Michele McNeil/Education Week

Everyone knows that cabinet secretaries are busy people, so when you want to get your message across, it's all the better to be brief—and memorable. So when the organizers of the Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action wanted to quickly convey their concerns with the direction of education reform, they presented Education Secretary Arne Duncan with an art installation: a baby doll in a box. Not just any box, either, but a box wrapped in testing bubble answer sheets. Just like the one pictured here. Their message was simple: There is too much emphasis on testing and test prep, which is stifling student and teacher creativity. As a bonus, three of the organizers—whose march is being held in protest of many of the reforms embodied by Duncan and the Obama administration—got a face-to-face meeting with the secretary and his top staff, and got to present the doll personally. (more...)


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