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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Evaluating individual teachers won’t solve systemic educational problems

Evaluating individual teachers won’t solve systemic educational problems

  • 07-26-2011
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Guest blog by David K. Cohen/Shanker Blog

What are we to make of recent articles (here and here) extolling IMPACT, Washington DC’s fledging teacher evaluation system, for how many “ineffective” teachers have been identified and fired, how many “highly effective” teachers rewarded? It’s hard to say. In a forthcoming book, Teaching and Its Predicaments (Harvard University Press, August 2011), I argue that fragmented school governance in the U.S. coupled with the lack of coherent educational infrastructure make it difficult either to broadly improve teaching and learning or to have valid knowledge of the extent of improvement. Merriam-Webster defines “infrastructure” as: “the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).” (more...)


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