FORUM: testing science
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
Should science be tested as frequently on statewide standardized tests as English language arts and math? That’s one of a package of recommendations in “Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” a report issued last month by the National Research Council. Annual testing is a controversial issue, so I turned to four authorities in education for their opinions: Christopher Roe, CEO of the California STEM Learning Network; James Lanich, director of education policy and research at California Business for Education Excellence; Elizabeth Stage, the director of Lawrence Hall of Science, the public science center at University of California Berkeley; and Jessica Sawko, executive director of the California Science Teachers Association. Science currently is tested in fifth, eighth, and tenth grades, and there are end-of-course exams in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, and Integrated Science. The report offers five proposals for schools and districts to improve K-12 education: (more...)