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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Geography report card finds students lagging

Geography report card finds students lagging

  • 07-20-2011
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By Winnie Hu/New York Times

Even as schools aim to better prepare students for a global work force, fewer than one in three American students are proficient in geography, with most eighth graders unable to explain what causes earthquakes or accurately describe the American Southwest, according to a report released Tuesday morning. Over all, high school seniors demonstrated the least proficiency on a 2010 test, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as the nation’s geography report card, with 20 percent found to be proficient or better, compared with 27 percent of eighth graders and 21 percent of fourth graders. The average test score for 12th graders declined to 282 (on a scale of 500) from 284 in 2001 when the test was last given. (more...)

Also: Washington Post

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