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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 How to improve summer school: Look to the charter schools

How to improve summer school: Look to the charter schools

  • 07-12-2011
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Opinion by Pedro Noguera/New York Times

Pedro Noguera, a sociologist, is the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University

One of the major advantages that the best charter schools have over traditional public schools is that they can offer a longer school day and school year. While many middle-class families are able to afford summer camps and a variety of after-school programs for their children, poor families typically cannot. Differences in learning time and in access to enrichment activities that support child development, contribute to the disparities in academic outcomes that we now refer to as the achievement gap. To level the playing field and improve academic outcomes for all students, public schools should be granted the money and flexibility to extend learning time. (more...)


Also: More opinions on “How to improve summer school” at New York Times Room for Debate


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