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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Incomplete grade -- LAUSD still has work to do to make the school reform process functional

Incomplete grade -- LAUSD still has work to do to make the school reform process functional

  • 07-26-2011
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Editorial/Los Angeles Daily News

Los Angeles Unified's landmark Public School Choice program will look different this fall, when communities are due to start reviewing the third annual round of bids from groups seeking to take over the management of low-performing campuses. School district officials are looking at ways to improve the reform-minded plan they adopted in 2009. So far, give them an A for effort. But give them an "incomplete" on results. Unfortunately, the proposals on the table right now would be less likely to strengthen School Choice than to chip away at its intent. The first proposal is to change the way parents and students select their preferred bidder to run a campus, replacing a system of community advisory votes with a series of meetings and structured reviews of groups' applications. The second idea would alter the application process itself, giving the district's own educators first crack at submitting plans for struggling or new campuses. (more...)



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