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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 L.A. Unified board approves final budget

L.A. Unified board approves final budget

  • 07-01-2011
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By Jason Song and Rick Rojas/Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles Board of Education approved its final budget Thursday, bridging a multimillion-dollar deficit in the state's largest school district with pay cuts and the layoffs of about 3,000 people, including some teachers, counselors and office workers. The board had to close a nearly $408-million shortfall. Members said they had no choice but to order the cuts because of declining revenue from the state and federal governments. The general fund is about $7 billion. "It is criminal what we are doing at the state level … but I know it's the best budget we can have at this moment," said board member Steve Zimmer, who voted for the budget. (more...)

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