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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Lights, camera, action: Time to change the script and bring in new directors in public education reform

Lights, camera, action: Time to change the script and bring in new directors in public education reform

  • 07-21-2011
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Blog by John H. Jackson/Huffington Post

It's time to cancel the "made-for-TV" education non-reality series that for the past few years has starred characters the likes of Joel Klein, Michelle Rhee and, fresh on the scene, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. For the past few years Americans have been barraged by news stories, magazine articles and even a movie that suggest the ills of education can be solved by cutting budgets, sweeping out teachers, attacking unions and turning public schools over to private providers. After playing leading roles in this space, Rhee and Klein have moved on to positions outside of the District of Columbia and New York City, but they continue to use their high profiles to perpetuate these tired story lines. Unfortunately, this plot does not thicken. Instead, it's unraveling and getting worse for our public schools and for our children. Data recently released by the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights give us a new take on what has been happening in districts across the nation. (more...)

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