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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Math gap starts early and persists

Math gap starts early and persists

  • 07-25-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

The disparities in math achievement among California students in seventh grade were evident five years earlier, when they were in second grade. An obvious – and not surprising – implication, according to EdSource, which examined the data: To prepare students for algebra in eighth grade and a college degree in the sciences and engineering, focus on preschool and interventions in early grades. In “California’s Math Pipeline: Success Begins Early,” EdSource found that 53 percent of seventh graders in 2010 were either proficient in the seventh grade Californian Standards Tests or were enrolled in Algebra I – evidence of advanced math skills. This was about the same as the 56 percent math proficiency they demonstrated as second graders in 2005. With a few notable exceptions, the disparities in scores among ethnic and racial groups that first appeared in second grade persisted in seventh (see graph). (more...)


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