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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 New Race to Top stresses pre-K tests, early ed. program ratings

New Race to Top stresses pre-K tests, early ed. program ratings

  • 07-01-2011
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By Michele McNeil/Education Week

To win a grant in the U.S. Department of Education's new Race to the Top competition for early-childhood education aid, states will have to develop rating systems for their programs, craft appropriate standards and tests for young children, and set clear expectations for what teachers should know. That's according to the proposed rules released today by the Obama administration that will govern the $500 million competition, which was made possible by the fiscal 2011 budget deal Congress passed in April. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was given $700 million in new Race to the Top money, and chose to put most of it into early education, while keeping a $200 million slice to award to runners-up from last year's competition. (Details of that separate contest have yet to be announced.) (more...)


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