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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Obama seeks CEO help for schools

Obama seeks CEO help for schools

  • 07-18-2011
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By Stephanie Banchero/Wall Street Journal

President Barack Obama will meet with some of the nation's top CEOs Monday to prod them to invest more heavily in education initiatives, especially those he champions, such as high-quality teaching and early childhood programs. The meeting was organized to address what Mr. Obama calls a "growing education crisis" that has seen U.S. students slip further behind their international counterparts at the same time schools are slashing budgets. The CEOs of AT&T Inc. and Time Warner Cable Inc. are among those scheduled to attend the meeting. Melody Barnes, the White House's Domestic Policy Chair, said corporations have played an integral role in education but, until now, there hasn't been "reform-oriented leadership" in Washington to help coalesce the efforts. (more...)

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