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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Partisan fights, budget cuts complicate school funding

Partisan fights, budget cuts complicate school funding

  • 07-11-2011
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By Sean Cavanagh/Education Week

After months of arduous negotiation and partisan squabbling, states across the country have produced budgets for the new fiscal year that in many cases will bring deep cuts to state spending, including money for schools. The budget blueprints adopted by numerous states were postscripts to divisive legislative sessions that saw newly elected Republican governors and lawmakers successfully push for big policy changes, including reductions in teachers’ collective bargaining rights. Proponents argue that change will save districts money over time. Deliberations over state budgets also were marked by sharp ideological divides between GOP leaders and Democrats over taxes and the size of government. (more...)


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