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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Poll: Parents see educational value in digital skills but wary of social media

Poll: Parents see educational value in digital skills but wary of social media

  • 07-28-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

A national poll by the nonprofit Common Sense Media reveals that a wide majority of parents believe that it is just as important for their children to know digital media skills as traditional learning skills, but remain wary about the role social networks play in young people’s lives. The poll, according to the organization, underscores the challenge that social networking sites face in addressing concerns of parents about the products they market to young people. Common Sense Media, which provides information, education and advice to families about media and technology, has created a new education ratings and review program for digital media aimed at helping parents and educators evaluate digital medial products in terms of their learning value. (more...)


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