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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Regents approve UC tuition hike

Regents approve UC tuition hike

  • 07-15-2011
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By Larry Gordon/Los Angeles Times

The University of California regents on Thursday raised tuition 9.6% for the fall, a controversial second increase that students decried as too large and too late for a school year that is just weeks away. The $1,068 hike passed by the board came on the heels of a previously approved 8% boost that will also take effect this fall. Regents said the latest increase was necessary after steep reductions to UC funding in the new state budget, and most said it was preferable to staff layoffs and course reductions. Regent Bonnie Reiss seemed to speak for many at the board's San Francisco meeting when she voted for the increase with what she described as "sadness and disgust." "I hate that we have been forced by our state politicians to raise tuition, but I hate even more the possibility of letting UC slide into becoming a second-rate institution," Reiss said. The measure passed by a vote of 14 to 4. (more...)


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