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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Running a race against ourselves

Running a race against ourselves

  • 07-08-2011
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Opinion by Jonathan Plucker & David Rutkowski (Subscription required)

Jonathan Plucker is a professor of education psychology and cognitive science at Indiana University, where he directs the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy. David Rutkowski is an assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Indiana University


The past decade has seen tremendous changes in America’s public education system, with the past 12 months among the most active in our country’s history. Indeed, in each state legislature this past winter and spring, education reform was as hot of a topic as we have seen in years. The media circus in Wisconsin was the most visible example, but education issues are at the heart of heated political controversy in several states. Within our state, Indiana policymakers enacted a wave of reforms that are arguably the most comprehensive and aggressive in the nation, ranging from how teachers are evaluated to how school boards are organized to how schools are graded. This heat surrounding K-12 education is often appropriate, given that the most significant economic investment in many state budgets is devoted to K-12 public education. (more...)

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