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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 School district redraws voting maps to boost diversity

School district redraws voting maps to boost diversity

  • 07-20-2011
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By Corey G. Johnson/California Watch

Although Hispanics make up 53 percent of its student population, the Vista Unified School District in San Diego County hasn't had a Hispanic school board member in decades. That's a fact current board President Steve Lilly concedes needs to change. "It would be really hard to make a case that our board is or has been representative of the student and family population in the district," Lilly told the North County Times. Vista Unified officials this week published two revised maps that redraw voting precincts in ways they say will lead to better representation for minorities. The district is holding hearings Saturday and in late August to get public input on the new maps. The district serves 23,000 students in 34 schools. Officials hope to choose one final map to present for board approval in October. (more...)

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