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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Schools dropping 413 from staff

Schools dropping 413 from staff

  • 07-19-2011
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By Winnie Hu/New York Times

The District of Columbia public schools has sent termination notices to 413 teachers and other school employees, including 288 for poor performance, under an evaluation system that has become a national model. District officials said that 113 of the employees had been rated ineffective, and that an additional 175 had been rated minimally effective for a second consecutive year in a system that emphasizes students’ performance on standardized tests as well as on classroom observations. In addition, 104 employees will be let go because they failed to meet state license requirements, and 21 others because they were unable to find permanent positions a year after losing their previous jobs as a result of budget cuts and program changes. Supporters of the evaluation system have praised it as setting clear standards and enforcing consequences for ineffective teaching. But it is disliked by some unionized teachers and has been criticized as doing little to help struggling teachers and not factoring in the challenges faced by those working in poor schools. (more...)


Also: Washington Post

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