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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Schools march won’t unite us, but so what?

Schools march won’t unite us, but so what?

  • 07-27-2011
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Blog by Jay Mathews/Washington Post

Thousands of educators and supporters are expected to be marching, rallying and talking in Washington this week in support of public schools. If I were at the “Save Our Schools” march around the White House, my sign would say “Bring Us Together.” Too many of us who care about schools are picking at each other, but maybe I am expecting too much. Some of us want to focus on what is happening in classrooms. We argue with those who think more attention should be paid to children’s home lives. Some of us want to end high-stakes testing. We don’t have much patience with those who think standards slide without those exams. Some of us want to push states that lag behind national standards and don’t listen to those who think federal dictates cause more problems than they solve. (more...)

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