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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 States brace for grad-rate dips as formula changes

States brace for grad-rate dips as formula changes

  • 07-28-2011
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CBS News

With all the bad news in the blogosphere over debt ceiling squabbling and possible U.S. default on its debts, there isn't much time to focus on other bad news out there. But bad news there is, and it affects schools across the country. States are bracing for plummeting high school graduation rates as districts nationwide dump flawed measurement formulas that often undercounted dropouts and produced inflated results. Education wonks long have suspected the statistics used by some  people  to determine how their neighborhood high school is faring -- or even where to buy a house -- can be figured using various formulas that produce wildly different results. Now, many states are facing a sobering reset: Some could see numbers fall by as many as 20 percentage points. (more...)

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