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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Students ask regents to reject proposed UC tuition hike

Students ask regents to reject proposed UC tuition hike

  • 07-14-2011
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By Larry Gordon/Los Angeles Times

Students appealed Wednesday to University of California regents not to proceed with a proposed second tuition increase for the coming school year but conceded that the fight against the higher fees is probably lost. Several students addressing the regents at their meeting in San Francisco said families had not been given enough warning to come up with the additional $1,068 the proposed increase would require and urged university officials to look for the funds elsewhere. Regents will vote on the increase Thursday. The speakers expressed particular concern for middle-income students who may not be eligible for financial aid and who, according to a new report, make up a declining share of enrollment at the 10-campus university. (more...)


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