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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Study: Teacher turnover much higher at LA charters than public schools

Study: Teacher turnover much higher at LA charters than public schools

  • 07-19-2011
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By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez/KPCC

A new study released Tuesday finds that teacher turnover at Los Angeles charter schools is nearly three times higher than in the district's traditional public schools. The findings contribute to the current debate over teacher effectiveness. Teachers leave schools for personal and professional reasons. At traditional L.A. Unified schools, teacher turnover hovered at about 15 percent during a recent six-year period, says UC Berkeley scholar Xiaoxia Newton. At charter schools, she adds, it was about 40 percent. "One of the implications is that with nowadays' teacher evaluation and accountability and also teacher development focus, if we have such a mobile teaching force, how are we going to calculate value-added?" That’s the new teacher evaluation method that’ll likely be part of L.A. Unified’s major overhaul of the way it evaluates and retains teachers. (more...)

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