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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 UC budget lacks transparency, state audit says

UC budget lacks transparency, state audit says

  • 07-29-2011
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By Jill Tucker/San Francisco Chronicle

The University of California should justify to the public why it spends thousands of dollars more per student at four of its 10 campuses and also do a better job of explaining how it spends more than $1 billion it allots annually to "miscellaneous services," state auditors said Thursday. The audit found no major malfeasance in the university system's budgeting or spending, but noted a lack of transparency in the way it handles its finances that could erode public trust. For example, $6 billion was budgeted for the UC president's office over five years, all of it falling under a line-item category called miscellaneous services. (more...)

Also: Los Angeles Times

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