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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Underestimating context (but selectively)

Underestimating context (but selectively)

  • 07-28-2011
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Blog by Esther Quintero/Shanker Blog

Imagine that for some reason you were lifted out of your usual place in society and dropped into somebody else’s spot — the place of someone whose behavior you have never understood. For example, you are an anarchist who suddenly becomes a top cabinet member. Or you are an environmentalist who is critical of big business who suddenly finds yourself responsible for developing environmental policy for ExxonMobil or BP. As systems thinker Donella Meadows points out in her book Thinking in Systems, in any given position, “you experience the information flows, the incentives and disincentives, the goals and discrepancies, the pressure […] that goes with that position.” It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that you might remember how things looked from where you were before. If you become a manager, you’ll probably see labor less as a deserving partner, and more as a cost to be minimized. If you become a labor leader, every questionable business decision will start to seem like a deliberate attack on your members. (more...)

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