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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Walton Family Foundation gifts Teach for America $49.5 million

Walton Family Foundation gifts Teach for America $49.5 million

  • 07-27-2011
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By Amanda M. Fairbanks/Huffington Post

The Walton Family Foundation announced a $49.5 million grant Wednesday to help double the size of Teach for America's national teaching corps over the next three years. Teach for America is a program for recent college graduates who sign up to teach in some of the nation's most under-served schools for a period of two years. The Walton Foundation's gift marks the single largest private donation to Teach for America in the organization's more than 20-year history. Later this fall, the organization will send 9,300 corps members to 43 regions across the country. Over the next few years, half of the Walton Family Foundation grant will go towards growing that teaching corps to 15,000 by 2015. (more...)


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