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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 July 2011 Why giving standardized tests to young children is ‘really dumb’

Why giving standardized tests to young children is ‘really dumb’

  • 07-19-2011
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Guest blog by David Berliner/Washington Post

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman opined that science is the belief that everyone in authority is ignorant. I am a social scientist; politicians have authority; therefore, politicians are quite likely to be ignorant. Their ignorance cannot show up any clearer than in their recent desire to give tests to very young children. Some states currently are preparing proposals to engage in another round of Race to the Trough [otherwise known as Race to the Top]. They are seeking a share of the $700 million federal dollars allocated for early learning in the 2011 education budget. States can get this money if they design, develop, and administer pre-kindergarten assessments and kindergarten readiness tests. Common sense and research both suggest that this is really dumb! (more...)

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