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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 Are we on the wrong path?

Are we on the wrong path?

  • 06-02-2011
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Opinion by By Jal Mehta/Education Week

Jal Mehta is an assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Marc Tucker has penned what I see as one of the most important reports on how to improve American education in years. (Full disclosure, I contributed a chapter to the book on which the report is based.) I know, I know, there is a report a week in the education space, but what makes this one distinctive is that it takes the accumulating evidence on how high performing countries achieve what they do, and offers a specific set of recommendations about what it would take to move the American education system in that direction. I can't do justice to the recommendations in a blog post--you need to read the whole thing. It hits a number of the highlights of this series, most notably the need to make teaching more selective, higher paid, and with much more intensive training and preparation. (more...)

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