As school turnarounds strike out, try, try again
Blog by John Thompson/Huffington Post
In hundreds of poor schools, millions of dollars of School Improvement Grants (SIG) are being announced. Why do we not hear celebrations? In my experience, June is the time to celebrate our kids' victories, as we also mourn our recently deceased students and former students. It is a time to hug our graduates, as we recall once bright-eyed children who have just graduated to the adult lockup. This time of year, teachers and administrators are running on fumes. We all deserve a decent interval before the SIG is dumped on us. As exhausted educators are summoned to fateful faculty meetings, everyone understands the mark of shame that has been branded on us. But we do not know whether the central office has had time to draft a viable reform plan, or whether they have even found a qualified principal to take on the challenge. (more...)