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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 At odds over CALPADS funding

At odds over CALPADS funding

  • 06-06-2011
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By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Gov. Jerry Brown has said he would oppose attempts of legislators to put back money for programs he wants cut from the state budget. Funding for two statewide educational databases could become a test of his resolve. Last week, education finance subcommittees of both the Senate and Assembly Budget Committees restored money for both CALPADS and CALTIDES. Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg is an outspoken advocate for the data systems, which have had support in the Assembly as well, so there’s a good chance the appropriation will be in the  budget the Legislature sends to the governor. At issue is not a lot of money – about $3.5 million, all of it federal dollars and a fraction of the $10 billion shortfall in the state budget. But it’s become a point of contention with a governor who wants to pare back standardized testing and who questions the value of data in general. (more...)

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