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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 Deeper cuts to higher ed; flat K-12 spending

Deeper cuts to higher ed; flat K-12 spending

  • 06-16-2011
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By Kathryn Baron/Thoughts on Public Education

With Republicans sitting on their hands, Democrats in the Legislature cobbled together a “balanced” state budget Wednesday that will give K-12 schools about $50.4 billion, roughly the same amount of money as last year, while cutting an additional $150 million each from the University of California and California State University. However, K-12 schools and community colleges will have to absorb $3 billion in deferrals (all but $129 million in K-12) for the 2011-12 school year, which Gov. Brown had hoped to eliminate with extensions of the tax increases. At least on paper, Democrats managed to close a $9.6 billion gap between spending and revenue without suspending Proposition 98, which sets the state’s obligation to K-12 schools and community colleges. The Democrats’ bill contains a combination of upbeat revenue assumptions and legally tenuous fees and taxes. (more...)


Also: Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor



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