Districts scrutinizing teaching applicants' potential
By Stephen Sawchuk/Education Week
Click on the link to the listing for “Ms. O,” and up pops a video with the 1st grade teacher leading a lesson on units of measurement using yellow strings of yarn: It takes one student in the video six steps to walk to the end of one strand, eight steps to the end of the second. Near the end of the class, the students repeat a chant Ms. O has devised: “When you want to measure, you have to remember—it can be longer, it can be shorter.” Click on another link and find a high school math teacher, whose geometry lesson draws on the District of Columbia’s notoriously hard-to-navigate traffic circles. A third link takes the viewer to a high school history teacher putting students into groups to discuss the causes of the Revolutionary War—and analyze alternative courses of action. All three 30-minute clips are actually teacher auditions, a key part of an online database premiering this summer in the District of Columbia school system that helps principals make determinations about which teacher-candidates to ask in for a formal interview. (more...)