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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 Jerry Brown, Democrats agree on new budget plan

Jerry Brown, Democrats agree on new budget plan

  • 06-28-2011
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Wyatt Buchanan and Marisa Lagos/San Francisco Chronicle

After months of attempting to find a bipartisan solution to California's budget deficit, Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday said he is no longer seeking Republican support as he and Democratic leaders announced a plan to balance the budget that will be voted on today. The move comes less than two weeks after Brown shocked Democrats by vetoing their plan to close the remaining $9.6 billion deficit, a plan he called inadequate. The new proposal relies largely on billions of dollars in previously unanticipated new revenue, but no additional taxes. If that revenue does not materialize, K-12 schools, higher education and social services would be hit with deeper cuts midyear. (more...)


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