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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 'Parent Trigger' laws: Shutting schools, raising controversy

'Parent Trigger' laws: Shutting schools, raising controversy

  • 06-15-2011
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By Kayla Webley/Time

In a bare-bones basement office in Buffalo, N.Y., Katie Campos, an education activist, is plotting a revolution. She and her minuscule staff of the advocacy group Buffalo ReformED are against incredible odds. In less than a week, they are trying to get a controversial law known as the "parent trigger" through the New York legislature. It's a powerful nickname for game-changing legislation that would enable parents who could gather a majority at any persistently failing school to either fire the principal, fire 50% of the teachers, close the school or turn it into a charter school. Campos and her group are working with some 4,000 frustrated parents like Samuel Radford III, who refuses to accept that as African Americans, his three sons in Buffalo public schools have only a 25% chance of graduating. (more...)

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