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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 June 2011 Segregation nation

Segregation nation

  • 06-22-2011
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By Sharon Lerner/American Prospect

Tyliesha Tucker attends a well-regarded high school in Nebraska’s Bellevue school district. Last year, Tyliesha, who is 15 and “pretty hilarious” by her own description, went to her local school in the Omaha Public School District. So did her 13-year-old brother, Kevin. But then there was the incident in the bathroom with a group of girls who had been tormenting her. Tyliesha won’t tell me exactly what happened. But her mother, Mildred, knows and remembers well the day it happened: “Tyliesha kept calling me, crying, saying, ‘Take me out of here!’” Mildred had been worried about her kids well before that. Kevin, who was in eighth grade at the time, kept getting into fights on the school bus. And Tyliesha had been complaining to her mom about bullying and gang violence for a while. The previous year, her friend had been shot right near the school. So the bathroom incident was really just the last straw. (more...)



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