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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 A moment of national insanity

A moment of national insanity

  • 03-01-2011
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Guest blog by Diane Ravitch/Washington Post

Dear Deborah, I'm beginning to think we are living in a moment of national insanity. On the one hand, we hear pious exhortations about education reform, endlessly uttered by our leaders in high political office, corporate suites, foundations, and the media. President Obama says we have to "out-educate" the rest of the world to "win the future." Yet the reality on the ground suggests that the corporate reform movement --- embraced by so many of those same leaders, including the president --- will set American education back, by how many years or decades is anyone's guess. Sometimes I think we are hurtling back a century or more, to the age of the Robber Barons and the great corporate trusts. Consider a few events of the past week: In Detroit, the school system will reduce its deficit by closing half the city's public schools and placing students into classes of 60. (more...)

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